
Community Support Tools


Slack is our primary way of providing support for the community and most channels redirect folks to Slack to get help. See the support handbook for information on SLAs and what we monitor.

HubSpot Chat

HubSpot is currently embeded on Users can message us here to receive support and are encouraged to join Slack instead of using HubSpot. At some point this will be used for lead gen instead.

HubSpot Tickets

Tickets are currently routed to @Douwe Maan.

User Interviews

Occasionally we’ll do user interviews to gather product/docs feedback. These interviews are added to HubSpot.

If users share an observation about Meltano’s performance and benefits, write down what they say (verbatim) and ask them for permission to use the quote, whether fully attributed or “blinded.” If you hear use case stories, ask if we might be able to interview them and share their story.